What is


KINRAZ is a place where the individual homeowner can go to gather the necessary information about their kitchen and bath remodel, and to gather answers to their questions about their kitchen and bath remodel whether they have already started their kitchen remodel or they are considering or planning on doing a kitchen or bath remodel in the near future. Planning is the key to a successful kitchen or bath remodel.


Statistics show that the average person only does one kitchen remodel during their lifetime, so you have to do it right, otherwise you can put a lot of time, effort and money into this project and it's not going to come out the way that you want it to. The sole purpose of KINRAZ is to help the individual homeowner find answers to those questions, guide them with advice and information, to help them out through the entire process.


 Many of the people I have the pleasure of meeting are really wonderful people. They are young families, they are old families. They are the childless couple; they are the couple with many children. They are the old, they are the young. They are the able bodied, they are the disabled. They are the first time home buyers. They are the first time home builders. They are the contractors, the landlords and the house flippers. Some come in with large dreams and small budgets. Some come in after a disaster, like a house fire, and need to rebuild everything. They come from all walks of life. They come in all colors, all dialects and in all shapes and sizes. They are all different, but yet all want the same thing; help and guidance in obtaining a wonderful and workable kitchen. And, I get the pleasure of using my knowledge and talents to help and guide them all. In fact, most people will only do one kitchen remodel in their lifetime. With the amount of choices available and unforeseen money traps, how is one supposed to know whether or not they’re getting the best bang for their buck. Well, this is why I decided to make this website.


I take the advice I give to others very seriously and enjoy sharing knowledge with others. I’m an artist at heart and enjoy taking anything outdated, and turn it into something exciting and beautiful. The people I help are treated by me like one of my family members. Most of the people who come to me wanting kitchen advice have no idea how much time, effort and detail are involved. This isn’t totally their fault, for a few reasons. Unfortunately, we live in an I-want-it-now, microwave society. People today rarely have to wait for anything. We have fast food, fast cars, fast internet connections and all of this fast-paced-society has evolved while the time-frame of kitchen remodeling has remained in the dial-up mode.



We even have a television show where a family can get a fully furnished home, built from the ground up in about seven days, while they’re on vacation down in Florida. This has given birth to a mild ignorance in our society. A few years back I had a lady come to me on December 19th. When I asked her how I could help her, she responded that she wanted a new kitchen by Christmas. I replied, “Christmas of next year?”

She looked at me as if I were out of my mind. Then she stated that they, “do it on television.”


As you are working through your kitchen remodel, it will be a time consuming ordeal. There will be stress and strain on your family for a few weeks. These time details will be discussed on this web site. Often, I  jokingly tell people that this kitchen remodel they’re about to embark on will either ruin their relationships, or make them stronger. They often laugh. I know that these will be the ones who come out of the kitchen remodel without too many scratches.  However, no matter how nice of a person you may be, everyone is susceptible to impatience. Being impatient during a kitchen remodel is one of the many catalysts which can lead to costly and time consuming mistakes. I hope you enjoy KINRAZ.com as much as I've enjoyed putting it all together for you.